Prairie Truth #221 – Pornography For Children!?! With Karin Banman + Deadlier Covid Made In Lab?

Karin Banman joins us to talk about what kind of books children were finding in her local public library and what the board of that library has done since parents went to them with their concerns.
We also discuss the apparently new deadly strain of covid being manufactured at Boston University.


  1. Joe Horsefeathers on March 13, 2023 at 11:05 am

    Karin Banman, a former guest on your show …. NEW VIDEO by Concerned Citizens Canada on You Tube that I think will interest you. I just watched your Prairie Truth interview with Karin Banman. You did a pretty good job! Much better than the walk outside and talk video I watched earlier this morning. 54 views Mar 13, 2023 (video is 1.5 min)

    Do not let them silence your voices.

    Come. Bring a poster. Make your statement. Protect the children.

    The South Central Regional Library continues to deny THE PUBLIC the right to present the Citizen Petition saying NO TO SEXUALLY EXPLICIT MATERIALS FOR KIDS.

    Date & Time: Monday, March 20th @7:30pm.
    Location: Winkler Library board room. This is a public meeting and as such, is open to the public.

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