Walls To Seal Off Portage And Main Underground

We lead off Episode 25 with an update on the political decision by Mayor Scott Gillingham to open up the corners of Portage and Main, the cost considerations, and some new information. Two sources have explained how some of the discussion about what kind of work that might need to be done, has missed the…

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Listeners Question Mayor’s Portage And Main Ploy

It’s time to reach in to the mailbag- along with online feedback – to tell what the TGCTS audience thinks about what’s going on in Winnipeg! With Mayor Scott Gillingham’s abrupt about-face on re-opening the iconic Portage and Main intersection to pedestrian traffic, they have lots of questions and comments in Episode 23. 7:38 Part…

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Portage and Main Cheerleaders Better Saddle Up For A Fight

In more of “What’s old is new again”, the dream of the urban visionary crowd to open Portage and Main to pedestrians is back on the civic agenda. In Episode 22 you’ll hear a breakdown of the economics that Mayor Scott Gillingham says has led him to be for it- after he was against it.…

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