Aug 24 2023- Unionized Reporter Manufactures ‘Big-Liquor’ Conspiracy As Liquor Mart Pickets End

When it became apparent that the liquor supply disruptors were heading to a contract agreement, the mainstream media lost a reliable supply of daily hot takes and updates. In analyzing the fallout, we see how unionized reporters can show their bias when reporting on government labour issues.

As Marty Gold describes in Episode 50, there had already been a difference of opinion between the MGEU and the liquor workers union about moving to arbitration. And NDP leader Wab Kinew and his MLLC critic Lisa Naylor had already given contradictory messages on how they would handle labour actions if they were in charge of Manitoba.

Then, the tabling of a 12% raise likely to be accepted by MLLC workers gave the NDP one less source of headlines to work over the PC’s with.

Luckily the local newspaper leapt to the rescue.

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“Massive, multinational alcohol beverage companies are trying to bend the ear of Manitoba’s Progressive Conservative government”, breathlessly pronounced the Free Press, manufacturing yet another liquor industry crisis.

Demonizing the Stefanson government for promising more private retail distribution wasn’t enough – it’s a plot that includes greedy brewers and bottling barons!

Never stated outright, is the anti-business mentality that insists there’s something sinister about how Labatt’s “previously advocated against increased markups on liquor in Manitoba” and other companies registered to lobby MLAs “amid a bitter liquor workers strike that comes after repeated attempts by the Tories to expand private booze sales.”

One of the bills proposed a pilot project in corner stores or grocery stores. The second bill would allow private beer vendors and wine stores to stock additional thirst-quenchers. Somehow, that’s a threat?

In the old-time newsrooms in Winnipeg, bottles of scotch were a staple item in desk drawers of publishers, editors, and ink-stained wretches covering courts cops and sports.

Now, modern journalists draw a direct line between bottlers wanting drinkers to be able to afford their products and in more places with dismantling the job security of union members. No wonder the Winnipeg Press Club folded.

24:51 Part 2 – As public trust in public institutions such as the mainstream media collapses, Marty looks at some of the reasons why it’s happening in Winnipeg.

One reason: people being told things they are concerned about are ‘conspiracy theories’ when they aren’t.

Don’t worry about the WEF influencing governments to impose their warped goals, claims the Free Press, worry about Labatt’s or Molson’s wanting you to be able to buy beer at the 7-11 and not get gouged on the price…

Lastly, another example of where the local media is failing: “The North End is forgotten about.”

Garbage dumping in North End back lanes leaves filth and used needles strewn in the path of children; it took 2 years to finally report on. The public doesn’t feel they can turn to the broadcast media and get action on their problems if it can’t be framed by the elitists in the media as an issue of ‘equity’ ‘justice’ or ‘climate crisis’.

Here at TGCTS, we frame local stories using sensible and realistic criteria, not those of the WEF.

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