Cops Investigating 10 Hate Crimes; Many Targeted Pro-Israel Jews

The Winnipeg Police Service held an extraordinary press briefing at 1 p.m. to announce they are investigating at least ten recent incidents arising after the War on Hamas began on Oct. 7.

– Police confirmed our report that a window at a Jewish home in River Heights was shot out before sunrise last weekend.

– The investigations include intimidating and hateful social media posts and messages.

– has learned that at least some of the posts under the microscope are linked to prominent local Palestinian individuals.

– Some of the investigations are connected to rallies and protest marches; specifically mentioned was that rocks were thrown at pro-Israel marchers and police downtown.

– It is believed signage held by anti-Israel demonstrators is also being looked into under the Criminal Code.

– The police, Mayor Gillingham, and the ultra-woke Winnipeg MSM speak in riddles.

– They are careful to not ever identify that in almost every case under investigation, it is Jews and Israelis who are the targets of harassment and violence.

– I fill in the blanks and add details the police didn’t- including that antisemitic threats have been made against Jewish school children.


For an analysis about the cultivation of far-left antisemitism in high schools, universities and academia, check out: ‘Brutal asymmetric contexts’: The Seductiveness of Hamas
“Being socially progressive on the Left these days means agreeing to a bundle of ideological positions without necessarily thinking them through. In this case, the vilification of colonization which seldomly rises above two dimensions. Colonizers are bad and they hurt the natives who are always good

“Israel serves as the proxy for all settler colonialism. The moral bankruptcy that excuses genocide on the one side and falsely accuses the other of the crime stems from a tenet of Critical Race Theory (CRT). Just as only white people can be racist, only white people colonize.”

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