High School “Strike For Palestine” Next Wave In Winnipeg Antisemitism

Episode 24 provides a brief overview of the ramping up of Jew-hating marches and rallies around the world and in Canada. As Tristin Hopper noted: “If you’re referring to a protest that just wants to “stop the violence” in Gaza, you’re referring to something that doesn’t exist. By my read, there hasn’t been a single…

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Cops Investigating 10 Hate Crimes; Many Targeted Pro-Israel Jews

https://actionline.ca/2023/10/cops-investigating-10-hate-crimes-many-targeted-pro-israel-jews/ The Winnipeg Police Service held an extraordinary press briefing at 1 p.m. to announce they are investigating at least ten recent incidents arising after the War on Hamas began on Oct. 7. – Police confirmed our report that a window at a Jewish home in River Heights was shot out before sunrise last weekend.…

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