Freedom Convoy 2022 Hits Kenora, Ontario

The Freedom Convoy hits Kenora Ontario as its first Ontario stop on the way to Ottawa.

For all information on the national convoy to Ottawa go to Canada Unity
To assist us with our live & on the ground coverage of the convoy on the way to Ottawa and from Ottawa please go here – DONATE


  1. David on January 26, 2022 at 10:17 am

    This is the most pivital time in the history of our nation, a time to be proud to be a Canadian, a time to stand up against tyranny, a time to give thanks to our GREAT truckers who are the very fabric of our country, a time to unify and unite as one Glorious Nation under God with one common goal “to restore back our freedom,our hope and aspirations”. Freedom Convoy 2022 is the oxygen to the blood of every Canadian across this great land and this will go down in history as the greatest movement in the fight for freedom that this country has ever wittnessed. God Bless and be with each and everyone of you and may he keep you all safe from all harms on this epic journey for freedom.

  2. Geri on January 27, 2022 at 6:03 am


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