Gimli RCMP, Winnipeg Cops Facing Questions

Episode 21 is a long-awaited Crime Courts and Public Safety update, with both RCMP and city police making headlines that inspired some questions.

On Thursday, the RM of Gimli notified residents of a school and municipal building lockdown after shots were fired at a residence. It took the RCMP 2 hours to issue a confirming statement

Marty Gold describes the situation about an hour after parents were told the alert was off. Rumours pointed to juveniles being involved and he notes that there doesn’t seem to be a coherent – or safe- protocol in town when a suspected shooter is being looked for by the RCMP.

And according to listeners, the RCMP wasn’t being very helpful.

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11:10 Part 2 – The recent shooting by police of a north end man being apprehended on a mental health warrant is a matter for the courts, and not the IIU, according to an analysis by The Black Rod.

Charge ’em: The Magnus Avenue Shooting by Cops

The column laid out research comparing police brass statements, news reports, and the Act, and exposed that the police had a fast-approaching deadline to haul Bradley Singer into custody for an involuntary examination.

Marty Gold goes through the facts in the blog post that point to police needing to justify to a judge and jury, the substantial differences in how this case became a raid with guns ablazing after an hour – with no evident threat to anybody – while longer recent stand-offs had no shots fired by the cops and no deaths.

29:15 Part 3- Premier Wab Kinew announced a 5 point plan that he claims will be “tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime.”

Along with tougher bail guidelines and more enforcement of breaches, this must be having the NDP ‘defund the police’ wing throwing fits behind the scenes.

We focus in on the 5th point, a promised Public Safety Summit. You’ll hear an idea of how to tell Kinew’s conference screeners that you’re a stakeholder, too.

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