Hear Jenny Motkaluk Reveal: Glen Murray Is Still Breaching The Canada Elections Act

In this special episode, you will hear the surprising press conference where Winnipeg Mayoral candidate Jenny Motkaluk broadsided rival Glen Murray over his undisclosed unfinished business with Elections Canada. Click here to listen!

Murray did not meet the deadline for filing expense and donor documentation after his failed 2020 try at the federal Green Party helm; Motkaluk discovered the province-hopping career politician is in breach of the Canada Elections Act requirements for transparency by campaigns. She’s asked the Elections Commissioner to investigate.

1.55 Motkaluk tells the media her campaign learned required filings were not on the Elections Canada website and that EC confirmed that Glan Murray had not filed mandatory declarations originally due April 6, 2021

JM: “Full compliance with all election laws is expected of every candidate for office in this country”

4.45 Marty sorts out details about Murray’s failure to follow the election rules and sets up the media scrum

6.30 The first 3 media questions played include Marty first asking why voters should care about this issue; two other questions got more details of possible explanations for why the filing is 16 months overdue

JM: “It calls into question his integrity and whether or not he thinks the rules apply to him”

8.30 Marty recaps Motkaluk’s answers and adds that it’s now known a 2 month extension had been granted, then explains what Bartley Kives of CBC asks in the next audio clip from the scrum

1130 Two more questions from Kives and Motkaluk’s reply about her campaign and plan to set out policy initiatives

13.00 Marty learned that yet another Green leadership candidate is in breach alongside Murray. He reviews the explanation Heather Mack gave CBC of why she couldn’t file the returns for Murray: “She inferred some mysterious volunteer vapourized the records and there was no back-up? – who knew??” He analyzes how Murray blew past the extension by 13 months before entering the Mayoral race, and by not going to court to seek a further extension Murray kept his offence hidden. Also, why did EC not prosecute these Green leadership also-rans?

2150 A listener heard the previous interview with Bev Pike of the South Osborne Residents Group and lamented the treatment of citizens standing up against City Hall. “It sure doesn’t seem like anyone has the balls to try and make a change”, he wrote. Listen to how Jenny Motkaluk responded to that comment, and explain why she supports Winnipeg residents who are scared to risk personal attacks if they stand up for their principles – citing the reaction of haters earlier this summer to her defence of celebrating Canada Day:

JM: “Being a north end girl, I don’t take to bullies and I’m not afraid of people calling me names.” 

2338 Marty wraps up by noting Motkaluk will meet with Bev Pike on Wednesday to follow-up on the complaints we aired on the podcast; this is proof we make a difference and can get candidates to engage with our audience to earn their votes.

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* More election interviews coming soon! *

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