Kinew Eases Into Manitoba’s Left Turn

We tidy up some closing notes on the Manitoba election to start off Episode 19, with a review of the appointments to cabinet by NDP Premier Wab Kinew.

His Addictions Minister has already assured the media a “safe injection” site is planned for somewhere… will Bernadette Smith volunteer the neighborhood she lives in for the location? Hear

how a ‘free drugs’ policy is eroding NDP support in BC.

10.40- A listener steered Marty Gold to the ⁠video of Global’s election night interview⁠ with Douglad Lamont to review.

Accordingly, we correct the record and apologize to reporter Rosanna Hempel – she had the details right, and it was her colleague who royally screwed up. ⁠

15:24 Part 2 – Terrorist supporters hacked PC leader Heather Stefanson’s IG account, as pro-Hamas marches continue unabated across the country.

In Winnipeg the demonstrations have been less volatile than in the east, but continue to spout genocidal chants. Listeners alerted Marty to Winnipeg newsrooms airing those chants as part of their uncritical news coverage as well as debunked claims Israel bombed a hospital.

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20.20- Winnipeg listeners may want to ask the Mayor and City Councilor to take action after antisemitic hate chants were incorporated into an ‘otherwise peaceful’ rally on Broadway.

At a similar ‘pro-Palestine’ rally in Toronto, an interview put a young woman in the spotlight for insisting the Hamas murders of 1400 Israelis was “justified”. People immediately dug into her background, which she falsified.

Hear Marty’s email exchange with Geoff Matheson of Convenience Group, who says Essra Karam never worked there and the outrage directed at the company was “devastating to our company and our employees…”

“Her employment with Convenience Group was false information which was gathered from misinformation on LinkedIn… I believe all of Convenience Group’s current employees have the same values as I do. I do not condone or support any individuals (or groups) opinions or actions, that bring harm or hardship to another person”.

Marty also provides another example of how deep the pro-Hamas rot goes in Canada, especially in Universities, quoting from a PhD candidate at York who is now on a work-to-rule.

We detail Dina Alkilani’s previous tweets and comments that prove her hatred extends not only to “IsraHel”, but to anyone defending Jews- including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

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36:02 Part 3 – From The Mailbag

Hear about the rigged City of Winnipeg survey on reduced speed neighborhoods; the radical rants of the anti-car VisionZero crowd; and more criminal activity associated with a homeless camp in St. Boniface that maybe, for once, Coun. Matt Allard should pay attention to.

Marty concludes Episode 19 with the announcement of a special interview that will be posted Sunday night with a City Councilor who has a lot to say about bike lanes, traffic gridlock, and

city “engineering” practices. You won’t want to miss it!

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