Langside Murders Derail “#3 Most Liveable” Lie

Episode 28 is a Crime Courts and Public Safety report: shocking developments in Winnipeg have submarined a public relations effort by prominent officials to portray our city as “the best blend of everything Canada has to offer.”

A Saturday Globe and Mail clickbait article of “Canada’s most liveable cities” placed Winnipeg at #3 Overall. WRHA head honcho Dr. Joss Reimer took to Twitter to cheerlead the rankings. But while Reimer, Mayor Scott Gillingham, and the urban visionary messiahs hopped on the bandwagon – “#1 for raising kids!” – another set of ‘data-driven rankings’ exposed the absurdity of their campaign. Because as the Globe piece said,

“Even if you could afford to live there, would you want to?”

Marty Gold reveals the Crime Severity Index and the inconvenient facts that MSM won’t tell Winnipeg. You’ll hear how just how violent StatsCAN says Winnipeg scores at after the 8 year term of Brian Bowman as Mayor, and which categories we are shamefully number one in. This is his legacy.

Among neighborhoods with a violence score over 700, Winnipeg make up 9 of the most 10 dangerous in the country – and 17 of the worst 26. And at number 26: West Broadway.

16:57 Part 2 – We recap the mystery surrounding the shooting spree inside a Langside St. rooming house on Sunday morning – with unreported details of the history of the property and of the drug-dealing past of one of the 4 victims.

A local newspaper managed to print 2 different versions of life on Langside, but only one is correct. We compare a local government-funded community patrol claim that “West Broadway is normally a pretty quiet neighborhood” with the lived experience of a mother who “has heard yelling and fighting and gunshots often in the area.” You can decide who lied.

Also- an unaccomplished Liberal MP from gang-ridden Surrey, BC, tried to twist the killings into an online attack on Trudeau’s opponents – and in short order Ken Hardie was exposed as a total moron for even suggesting the killings were “far-right”.

Meanwhile, a suburban City Councilor got the same treatment from critics for inserting the dog-whistle word “hate” into his post, which even riled up a usually mild-mannered downtown businessman. Hear all about it.

38:04 Part 3 – Court time is coming up for the Hamas-supporting “Queers4Palestine” and the other radical antisemites in Winnipeg.

The railroad companies want a court injunction to stop further interference with their operations.

Guess what the train-blockers were chanting for on November 20th? That’s right, more killing of Jews. And they aren’t alone.

As you will hear, TGCTS has learned Winnipeg police are investigating an online hate-spouting video that included a well-known Winnipegger among a group praising Hamas and Hitler.

Of course, they’ll claim they’re just “pro-Palestinian”.

In conclusion, Marty warns that there’s a morally deceptive movement funded by Iran and other anti-West elements who want to turn our society against the concept of “Never Again”.

Don’t fall for it.


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