MB Truck Convoy Does Slow Roll Around WPG Perimeter & Past Legislative Building

A convoy of Manitoba truckers, largely from the Morris area all joined up on Monday January 24 2022 to do a slow roll around the entirety of the Winnipeg Perimeter highway, ending in a trip down Portage Avenue to go past the Manitoba Legislative building. Many of the truckers and other vehicles in the convoy will be joining the national convoy heading to Ottawa. That convoy gets to Winnipeg the following day, Tuesday the 25th.
For all information on the national convoy to Ottawa go to Canada Unity
To assist us with our live & on the ground coverage of the convoy on the way to Ottawa and from Ottawa please go here – DONATE


  1. Timothy Penner on January 25, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    This is awesome! We need to stand for freedom more than ever!

    I wish I could meetup at the Headingly rest stop this afternoon and lend support there, but I am reliant on city transit which does not get me close enough.

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