Sept 18 2023 – PC’s Rejeanne Caron Aims To Unseat NDP Leader

Long-time Winnipeg police officer Rejeanne Caron has become a key candidate for the Progressive Conservatives in the party’s effort to retain government on October 3.

Still on patrol in Fort Rouge, Caron responds to violent crime, property offences, sexual assaults and other calls on-shift, and then campaigns to upset NDP leader Wab Kinew, and deny him a seat representing the constituency in the Manitoba Legislature.

In our newest candidate interview, her background as a Metis wife raising 3 kids is discussed, as is her being featured in Tory ads directly targeting Kinew on crime, and an NDP caucus that’s advocated for defunding police.

Caron said that at the doorstep, voters tell her “Crime is a massive issue. And affordability.” She blames both on “the NDP-Liberal coalition in Ottawa”, decrying bail condition amendments that resulted in the mandatory release of “violent repeat offenders that are now on the streets when they should be in custody.” This leads to a short discussion of how the PC’s want to bring forward help for seniors.

Her background in law enforcement has included front line 911 response, Intelligence investigations, and as the Downtown Safety Coordinator. Caron contrasts her experiences as an indigenous woman and mother working in and supporting public safety, with the personal history of Kinew and his unresolved misdeeds, saying she is giving Fort Rouge voters an option at the ballot box.

Part 2 – 16:48 – Marty Gold wraps up Episode 8 with a look to upcoming Manitoba election episodes – including a special interview about resource development and opportunities. Give a listen to his pitch for your support as we enter the home stretch of the 2023 Manitoba election!

****** is the source of exclusive interviews, unique City Hall analysis, and getting right down ta’ business!

Catch up on our big story: City Hall ordered to pay a $5M court judgement to Parker Lands owner –

Part One: Sept 4 2023-⁠⁠ EXCLUSIVE: Andrew Marquess Tells His Story⁠⁠

“I’m the bad guy for exposing something that’s going on at City Hall.”

Part Two: Sept 8 2023 – ⁠⁠City Expropriation Fiasco: Marquess May Get $90M⁠

Part Three: Sept 16 2023- EXCLUSIVE: Marquess Says City Misconduct Chilling Investors

Also listen to: July 19 2023 – ⁠There’s 101 Reasons Why Winnipeg Council Must Review Orlikow’s Role In $5M Court Ruling⁠⁠

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Hard For NDP To Argue With PC Tax Break For Seniors

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