St. James Homicide Caps Off Rash Of Shootings

Episode 22 opens with a brief look towards important civic issues TGCTS will be diving into over the next few weeks, including resuming our interview series with Andrew Marquess of Gem Equities. Also, we’ll be discussing potential impacts

on the quality of life for residents of established neighborhoods if density-enabling changes to zoning and building regulations demanded by Mayor Gillingham are passed.

There will also be continuing coverage on about ongoing incidents targeting the Winnipeg Jewish community.

We provide the kind of investigations and analysis that MSM won’t. We are your watchdog on City Hall! Support our work via⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠

6.00 – Crime Courts and Public Safety Update, sponsored by JamRock Security

When crime affects people you know, places you shop, and your own neighbours, it resonates. A CFIB survey says over 50% of Manitoba businesses have been affected. Marty reviews a story about the costs of public disorder incurred by Vernaus Autobody in South Point Douglas, an area we’ve covered extensively.

Meanwhile, near the St. Boniface Hospital, frustration with ‘petty crime’ led to warning posters about one late night perp. Area Councilor Matt Allard maintains his silence. Violence and arson don’t affect the Goulet bike lanes, so he won’t speak up.

21:03 Crime Part 2

Shootings became almost a nightly occurrence.

– A north end home invasion where a Bannerman homeowner was almost killed

– A Halloween night murder in North Point Douglas (not a shooting) with 2 women now charged. We have some background on one of the 20 year olds accused.

– A woman wounded on Garry St. downtown near police HQ

29.00 Hear about the trail of evidence markers leading to Portage Avenue in St. James, and the colourful social media trail about the deceased that hints at how 27 year old Lawrence Pruden, also known as Rich Porter, met a violent end.

His vehicle was peppered with bullets. It looks like he was driving and fired at from the roadway, so technically not a drive-by, but still looks gang-related.

33.40 – A family in River Heights needs your help after a fire destroyed their home.

The details include how Garrett, the eldest son of Brett and Lyndsay Zoratti is now in a medically-induced coma as doctors try to save his life after he rushed back into the burning house to rescue his younger brother Emmett.

Here is the official fundraiser site:

If you have other ways to help – accommodation, gift cards, etc, contact the GoFundMe organizer thru the link or message me directly and I will get it to the family. Thank you.


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