Stefanson Says Obby Khan Apologized For Support Letter, But He Hasn’t- Yet

The Progressive Conservatives are trying to unsnarl two members from a letter of support for a suspended U of Manitoba nursing student, after MLAs Richard Perchotte (Selkirk) and Obby Khan (Fort Whyte) seemingly didn’t realize the “anti-Israel” activist posted a Nazi cartoon and antisemitic content to describe the Israeli military and government.

And while PC leader Heather Stefanson claimed “both individuals have since apologized”, according to sources Obby Khan was taking his time and was waiting until Thursday to find the words.

Part 1- We provide the background of the president of the U of M Nursing Students’ Association, Arij Al Khafagi, and review a Free Press interview where she played the victim.

She went full Pallywood in describing herself as a “humanitarian by heart” who “shares the perspective of unity and humanity”- as long as it paints Israel as oppressor and the genocidal Gazan society as oppressed. She even bragged she had Jewish friends on the far-left, after senior administrators held her accountable for posting cartoons that, as Marty Gold explains, breached the IHRA definition of antisemitism.

Citing “discriminatory remarks and demonstrating wider unprofessional conduct” as well as her Instagram antics, College of Nursing officials iced her student status and she became a cause celebre among the local Pro-Palestine mob.

As part of a campaign to salvage her academic year, MLAs were solicited to send a letter asking Advanced Education Minister Renee Cable to intercede and get the Jew-hater back into classes.

Opposition critic Perchotte, along with Khan, signed a letter to the Minister that complained “it sends an unacceptable message to academically penalize a student for expressing herself… the same passionate nurses that our healthcare system so desperately needs.”

17:30 Part 2- You’ll hear the apology sent by Richard Perchotte to a Jewish family where he admitted, “I failed to get the details before signing”, and insisting “the antisemitism posts are against the belief of my party, my leader and myself”.

Five hours later, Stefanson followed up, assuring the family that “As soon as it was brought to my attention, I made clear that this does not reflect the sentiment of our PC Party.”

The former Premier continued “Both individuals have since apologized.”

But no one seemed to have heard a word of contrition from Khan on Wednesday. “Where’s Obby”? asked one listener.

Party insiders told TGCTS if Khan’s waiting until Friday to do it, that’s another in a long line of questionable decisions the Tory star has made that undermine his credibility with the rank and file, after he was a major focal point of the losing election campaign.

As we report, while Khan tries to play politician with local “pro-Palestinian” figures, at least one he’s been photgraphed with is believed to have been seen in a video threatening Winnipeg Jews where calls are heard celebrating Hitler and Hamas. That video is still being investigated by Winnipeg Police.

Pro-Hamas marches continue to attack Canadian values and villify Israel’s right to self defence. The pro-Intifada sentiment was loudly proclaimed when the rail line was blocked on November 20. There’s a morally deceptive ‘progressive’ movement funded by Iran and other anti-West agitators who want to turn our society against the concept of “Never Again”.

We’ve been seeing political cowardice, not leadership, in Winnipeg. Will the media ask Obby Khan to repudiate the “anti-Zionist not antisemite” radicals in our community, and denounce the weekly marches of terror-supporting “decolonizers”?

Or will he continue to ‘go along to get along’ with antisemites?


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