The Alt-Reality of Winnipeg’s Criminal Class

Three recent cases- two homicides and a police shooting- are pieced together with ALL the details scattered across reports by an agenda-driven MSM.

We provide a full picture of the deaths on Burrows and Langside and the danger police faced in Fort Garry.

This Crime, Courts and Public Safety Update exposes how the Winnipeg media normalizes criminal behaviors, and how the courts fail to protect the public from shooters spiraling out of control.

Part 1- The city’s 33rd homicide this year was 20 year old Ava Marie Zaber on Nov. 21 in a house on Burrows Avenue. Police charged another 20 year old, Brent Jayden Meade with 2nd-degree murder, but not with any firearms offences.

The Winnipeg media said he has no gun priors, but what they didn’t tell you is he’s no stranger to guns- he posed with one for his Facebook picture when he was about 14 years old.

TGCTS reviews his long list of charges – 15 pending since August – which included break-ins, mischief, and threatening others. Even before his failure to comply with conditions and missing court, he already had convictions showing no regard for the consequences of breaching probation or court orders.

We break down the minimal fine Meade got into a per-charge cost since. It’s about $7 – and allegedly, one human life.

News tips/Interac donations-

14:50 Part 2 – CBC Buries The Lead After Wanted Criminal Shot Trying to Escape Traffic Stop

No reporters followed up on an interview CBC Manitoba published about the police shooting of Dustin Hatcher. That’s how CBC got away with burying the incriminating evidence and painting Hatcher, a career criminal, as a victim of ‘police violence’.

We explains the facts:

The truck the cops hemmed in was stolen. CBC failed to ask Hatcher’s girlfriend who gave it to her.

She got out of the vehicle, “while Hatcher moved into the driver’s seat.”

Warrants were out for Hatcher’s arrest, but “He’d been planning to turn himself in after the holidays” claimed the girlfriend.

“She tried to help Hatcher take off by holding back one of the officers on the driver’s side.”

She heard “shots from the passenger side, before the truck drove into a fence.”

“She blames herself for Hatcher’s death. “I got out of that

vehicle, and I tried helping him get away.”

Yet CBC highlighted protests that “they made Dustin look like he’s a bad guy, and he really wasn’t” and “disbelief at the way he’s being portrayed by police.” Another friend said the cops “need to be charged.”


CBC: “Hatcher has faced dozens of charges and served time for offences including break and enter and theft over $5,000, dating back to 2002.” They didn’t even mention his Pembina Hwy. crime spree last winter that he was still facing charges for.

They also didn’t report on the girlfriend’s Facebook confession “we’re not innocent”- but we do.

We dissect an Alt-Reality favoring criminals, trying to demonize police dealing with a wanted man trying to flee in a stolen truck in a back lane.

38:59 Part 3 – Did The Langside 4 Killer Have Help From His father?

Buried deep in the details of the background of accused mass shooter Jamie Felix, his psychotic episodes, alcohol and cocaine use, depression, assault conviction, and neglecting epileptic seizure medication, was a little-noticed CITY-TV interview with his father:

“Randall Chummy Fagnan, (who) says he was with his son and others at the time of the Nov. 26 shooting on Langside Street”.

Yet it took 4 days for Felix to be apprehended. And when his father emerged, it was to make excuses for his son. And he’s not the only one.

The former roommate of Jamie’s twin brother “feels like he “slipped through the cracks” of the systems he looked to for help.”

We compare the Alt-Reality of that claim with a court report that “he entered a residential addictions treatment program at the end of 2022, but left for a medical appointment one day and didn’t return.”

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