Unity Convoy Day 2 – Growing Numbers & A Diverse Set Of Speakers

Day 2 of the events at Camp Hope saw growing crowds and a jam packed schedule on the main stage. Speakers ranged from organizers like Freedom George and Ron Clarke to PPC leader Maxime Bernier, some very brave teenage girls, our very own Todd McDougall and much more. Bluehaze BBQ was on hand with their amazing food. The Freedom Market was also in full swing as well and the day ended with some great live music.

Camp Hope Freedom Market
Amazing people with all kinds of amazing things for sale at the Camp Hope Freedom Market! A month ago the RCMP and Municipality of Dugald had tried to stop Camp Hope from hosting market places. Freedom prevailed.

The Drysdale Solution
Speakers start up again for day 2 of the Unity Convoy at Camp Hope.

Ashley Taylor & Big Bear
The speakers continue during day 2 at Camp Hope with thousands passing through as the day 4 day event rolled on.

Maxime Bernier & Patrick Allard
Leader of the Peoples Party of Canada Maxime Bernier and new President of the Winnipeg PPC Assosication, Patrick Allard took the stage during day 2. There was also a great moment where Maxime met Candice Sero, the woman who was trampled by an RCMP horse in Ottawa. She also spoke at Camp Hope later on.

Remington Steel & 2 Courageous Teens
The inspirational speeches roll on during day 2 of events at Camp Hope.

Todd McDougall Of WAM Gets The Crowd Going!
Todd is also joined on stage by 2 other members of the “Manitoba 5” Sharon Vickner and Patrick Allard who were arrested for violating public health orders repeatedly by hosting rallies against Covid 19 lockdowns and restrictions.

One Of The Key Organizers, Ron Clarke
A well known name at the event finally speaks to the crowd.

That’s right, they call him “Moose” and he spoke at Camp Hope on day 2.


  1. Sharon on March 20, 2023 at 9:13 pm

    Bravo Winnipeg Alternative Media for taking the time to capture this part of History. Many lives have been changed for the better in countless ways when events such as this are shared. Keep Free Speech Alive.

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