Kevin Klein Enters Race For Mayor: “The System Is Not Working For You”

On Wednesday, about 100 people gathered in Assiniboine Park to hear Councilor Kevin Klein declare he was aiming for the top spot at 510 Main Street. “The system is broken. The system is not working for you.” After winning election in 2018 as the representative for the ward of Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood, Klein spoke his mind at…

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TGCTS Podcast: Police Chief Smyth Makes Himself An Election Issue

Listen to the full podcast to find out why Winnipeg Police Chief Smyth has made himself an issue in the upcoming mayoral election.   No Rogers network crash is going to stop The Great Canadian Talk Show from telling you what you didn’t know about Winnipeg police chief Danny Smyth.  At his press conference on…

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Bad Week For The Forks Becomes A Civic Election Issue

Listen to the full podcast to learn more about what Winnipeg Police Cheif Smyth thinks about crime at The Forks. (… bad couple of weeks, actually.) After talking about what they did on Canada Day – Marty was hosting CWE wrestling in West St. Paul and Kenny was Mr. BBQ – the discussion steered towards…

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